We would like to respectfully acknowledge that Denman Island, called Taystay’ich by the K’omox First Nation, is the traditional territory of members of the Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw peoples.

“Denman is home to approximately [1,400] year-round residents. The island is notable for its thriving artistic community, its festivals, farming, and a beautiful natural environment.” There are many ways to enjoy the natural beauty of the island: “[h]iking, biking, boating, swimming, paddling, birding, and wildlife watching.” 1
Information Gathering
To ensure we gather as wide a profile of information as possible we spoke to 9 accommodation providers; 7 boards; 5 store-based businesses; the preschool, community school, and high school; 3 environmental groups; 4 groups involved in food security; 7 care providers; 3 realtors; 3 groups involved in safety; and 5 activity groups.
Of these 46 groups we received information back from 27 of them. Moving forward we will continue the communication we have already started. In addition to the 46 we have contacted will work with the community to identify any other groups to add to our database.
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Burials & Scatterings2

- visitdenmanisland.ca. (2023). ↩︎
- Board Member. (2023). Denman Island Memorial Society ↩︎